Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dying eggs

Saturday I told the kids we could dye eggs after I had a nap and Riley got home from a friends house at five. Well he got home early and so my nap ended early.
All I heard was "Is is time to dye eggs," "Riley's home mom, lets dye the eggs," "When are we dying eggs?" "Are you going to get up so we can dye eggs?" "Mom get up so we can dye eggs," "I got the eggs outs, let dye them now" "Can't we dye the eggs?" "What time are we going to dye the eggs?"
And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Well need less to say, I said, "No egg dying."
And ,no I was not worried about the 4 dozen eggs that had been cooked and a lot already eaten or that fact that my children may remember this Easter as the worst Easter ever cuz they didn't get to dye eggs. I didn't care!!!! I just wanted to throw the box, which they had opened to "See what it looked like" inside the box, of PAAS Egg kit away. Nope, I just wanted to have a nice hour or so nap and wake up gracefully and peacefully. But no, I woke up to a battle field of inquiries for egg dying. Never mind that these adventurous children I love and adore have a father, who is watching something "Wonderful" on the Discovery Channel. Of course there must be some sort of label on the stupid PAAS box that mentions that only mothers can dye eggs with their children.
I was not giving in and I held out till about 7pm. And yes I'm the meanest mom in the whole world and I'm good with that. Then the husband, (who has some how managed to get a super power in which I do not possess. Selective hearing), gives in and tells the kids they can dye the damn eggs. I do not want any part in, until I watch him try to mix the dye up. Apparently it's a "Woman's Job" Or I just have some control issues. Whichever, they got to have yet another year of fond Easter memories.
They had a great time and Chris got to finish watching whatever he was watching while they created colors I didn't know existed.
It's moments like these that make it all worth it. Ashton is getting so grown up and loved being included in all the action.

1 comment:

Barnard Family said...

i cooked the eggs and never let anyone dye them! I am a horrible mom! Kudos to you!