Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What would you do?

Yesterday as I was getting my bus ready to pick up kids, I was watching the junior high kids go to class. As a bunch of them came out the door and down the steps, a boy fell. He was laying on the ground and the other kids just stared. Some stepped on him, others just walked by looking at him. No one offered a hand up. He was obviously hurt a little too. I noticed another boy running across the court. It was apparent he was a friend coming to help. Still no one had helped at all yet. They all just stood by and watched. Finally a teacher comes and helps him up just as the friend gets there. I just watched all this progress and wondered why no one helped. What would you have done? Would it be different now since your grown up, or would it be the same as junior high?


Colleen and Justin said...

This really breaks my heart. It's so sad to see people behave this way, what has our society come to? I would hope I would be the one to run and help if ever faced with this situation.

Barnard Family said...

It seems like it is the ageless story. The good samaratin had the same thing going. We really need to teach our kids that it is their duty to help someone in need like that.

BTW - How the heck are ya? I have a blog now too...but I am new at this stuff.


I have been blog stalking you for some time now. :) We need to catch up!

Dennis & Hollie said...

I agree with Rachel...this story is one that sadly is repeated in history on a daily basis. I was at Wheeler Farm yesterday and found myself scolding the ducks and geese as I was feeding them pieces of bread. A goose would bite a duck if they happened to get the bread before they did...I would holler at the goose, "YOU BE NICE and SHARE!" Like they knew what I was saying...but it made me feel better. I would hope I would do the same for all God's creatures.