Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Missing a Moment in History

I guess this is me whining and being a brat so please don't hold it against me.
I don't get to go to the Midnight showing of Twilight. I have been waiting months and months and months to go with my friends to the midnight showing all dressed up like obsessed crazy people. This event will be a moment in Twilight history and I don't get to be part of it. It's like when I ask my mom is she remembers the Kennedy assassination, she can tell me where she was and what she was doing. Or when I think about 3rd grade, I think of watching the Challenger explosion in the Harwood Elementary gym. And when people who were around in 1969 are asked about Woodstock, they either say "I was there and it was the most incredible experience of my life" or "No, I missed that one, but I heard it was great." And in the future when my children ask me, "Did you go to the midnight showing of Twilight?" I will have to say
Why you ask, will I be missing this incredible experience. Well for starter, I'm old and that is really late and I have to drive 60 kids to school the next morning. (I could take the morning off so that is just a little problem.) The big, huge, monstrous, enormous, problem is that I can't leave my 4 kids home alone while I go to the movie and it is not likely I can find a babysitter to sleep over.
My life is over!!! I want to go soooo Bad!!!! It is not fair!!!! Why me!!! It's not fair!!! Everyone Hates Me!!!! IT IS NOT FAIR!!!!!

Now that my fit has been thrown, I love my children and would never leave them home alone while I went to a movie. I also think they are way more important than a movie. But seriously, it's Twilight.


Brittany said...

I'm not going either, so don't feel too bad.

Heather said...

Ha. Ha. Your great. At least we get to see it this weekend.