Monday, June 9, 2008

Now that the day is coming to an end, finally, it is time to reflect. Riley at summer school, TJ with PSR, Mason at partial care, and then two little girls running me ragged. I have had a friends little girl for a couple of days. Then at 12:30 I head to Rexburg to take Riley to Summer Adventure camp where he will meet up with TJ. Drop him off and head back to Idaho Falls to take Mason to counseling. While he is there I take two girls to Winco. Now this is a grocery store that HATES parents. You may, just may, save a few cents but is it really worth it. While the girls are begging for everything and running away, climbing on the cart and pushing the belt movey thing, I am trying to bag groceries and pay. All this is supposed to happen with a smile, because everyone else around you is smiling even though their kids are doing the same or worse than mine. I just had 2 kids with me today, I will NEVER take all of them.

Later we had Riley's baseball game. He is such a stud, he hits so hard. The rest of the game is boring but watching him bat is so awesome.

Oh, and did I mention we are babysitting 7 kittens and a mommy cat while my friend is gone. They are just starting to get their eyes open and are soooooooo cute. They all need homes so if you know anyone who is looking for a new addition to their family, they will be ready to move out the end of July. The mom is also looking for a new home.

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