Monday, June 16, 2008

Yesterday I took Chris to the airport at 5 am. He was heading to Arkanas for Haz Mat training for the next two weeks with the National Guard. It is alway a bittersweet goodbye, I'm sad to have him gone for 2 weeks but I'm sorta ready for some time to myself. Oh yeah, Sorry I was in fantasy land for a second, I have 4 kids by myself. So there is NO time to myself.

To make the time go a little faster, my mom had this "Great" idea to take the kids to Boise with her while she is in some training. Free hotel, no cleaning my house, kids in the pool, sounds fun huh. Well I should have really thought about it before I jumped on this band wagon. The car ride was a migrain!

"He's touching me!"

"I can't see the TV!"

"I don't want to sit down, let me stand on my chair."

"Don't touch my gameboy, its mine!"

Talk about crazy, and I had to stop at every rest stop between Pocatello and Boise because this baby just keeps tap dancing on my bladder. So everytime we stopped, every kid needed to get out and run around and maybe go to the bathroom.

Oh and as a side note: TJ was in one rest stop and I had Liz in the ladies bathroom and he and his brother in the mens. When I came out there was this HORRIBLE sound or singing as some may call it coming from the men's room. It couldn't possibly be any of my children they are too old to be singing on the pot. Nope, I was wrong it was TJ singing at the top of his lungs while sitting on the pot. As I sat outside waiting in HORROR a guy came out with a huge smile and said to me, " He's really loud huh." If he only knew.

So after we got to the hotel, which they have not stayed in a hotel since Mason was 5 months, they all just keep saying: "This is the nicest hotel in America!"

"Wow! this is so nice."

"Are we moving in here?"

"We have our own bathroom?"

The comments go on for about.....well they are still saying them. Apparently I have done my children a disservice by staying with my Aunt Marianne everytime we have traveled in the past.

As the days went on, even though I got really tired, we had a great time. Monday I took them to the Discovery Center, Tuesday to the Zoo and Wed. we all went to the Old State Penn. We came home on Wed. and Thursday I slept.

I took tons of pictures but my camera will not turn on. Im going to have to take it to get fixed and have the photos put on a disk, then I will share the photos with you.

Over all we had a great time but I was glad to come home. I have been very tired and the kids have been good to let me nap. Oh and believe it or not I was even told how well my kids behaved while we were gone. It makes being the meanest mom in the whole world worth it.

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