9 years ago
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Smurf or Airhead?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Tag Your It
Share ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT!
Learn 37 things about your friends, and let them learn 37 things about you!
Send back to me and to several more friends!!
1. Do you like bleu cheese? Love it
2. Do you sleep with socks on? Absolutly NOT! Not even if it is 700 below.>
3. Do you own a gun? Chris does, I like to shoot pistols but we have no guns at our house.
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Purple-Saurus-Rex, they don't make it anymore, but I have to say I do love the clear kinds.
5. Toilet paper: Folded or wadded? A little of both
6. What do you think of hot dogs? raw, late night Maverick or campfire
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The Santa Clause
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? ProFlex Protein shake
9. Can you do a cartwheel? Yep
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring, this is my second one so it is my second favorite. Lizzie lost my first one and I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it. I LOVED it so much.
11. What are your favorite hobbies? Sewing, quilting, reading, baking, photography, scrapbooking, movies, and cooking
12. Do you have A. D. D.? Maybe a little.
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? I wear them both but prefer contacts. I really really really really want Lasiks
14. Middle name? Kay
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Are the kids asleep, did I get enough laundry done, and am I going to loose enough inches and weight this week?
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Diet Dr Pepper, and Diet Dr Pepper
17. Current worry? 6th grade and money
18. Current hate right now? Excuses
19. Favorite place to be? With my kids watching a movie, lounging on the couch
20. How did you ring in the new year? I honestly can't remember and that is even my birthday, must not have been too great
21. Where would you like to go? I want to take the kids to Disneyland but when Ashton is a little older, for now I would love to see the Washington and Oregon coasts again.
22. Name three people who will complete this: Heather, Nichole, and Michelle
23. Do you own slippers? Nope just flip flops
24. What color shirt are you wearing? teal
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Are you on crack?
27. Where are you now? in bed
28. Would you be a pirate? No cuz they don't shower
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Taylor Swift
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Elizabeth, Hazel, Grace
31. Favorite boy's name? Thornton, Riley, Mason, Ashton, should I go on?
32. What is in your pocket right now? No pockets, I'm in bed
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Ashton giving kisses
34. What vehicle do you drive? 98 Olds Silhouette
35. Worst injury you've ever had? C-Section, worst experience of my life to date. Only good thing that came out if it was Ashton
36. Do you love where you live? No, we don't love our neighbors and the City of Rigby has gone to HELL
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
Learn 37 things about your friends, and let them learn 37 things about you!
Send back to me and to several more friends!!
1. Do you like bleu cheese? Love it
2. Do you sleep with socks on? Absolutly NOT! Not even if it is 700 below.>
3. Do you own a gun? Chris does, I like to shoot pistols but we have no guns at our house.
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Purple-Saurus-Rex, they don't make it anymore, but I have to say I do love the clear kinds.
5. Toilet paper: Folded or wadded? A little of both
6. What do you think of hot dogs? raw, late night Maverick or campfire
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The Santa Clause
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? ProFlex Protein shake
9. Can you do a cartwheel? Yep
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring, this is my second one so it is my second favorite. Lizzie lost my first one and I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it. I LOVED it so much.
11. What are your favorite hobbies? Sewing, quilting, reading, baking, photography, scrapbooking, movies, and cooking
12. Do you have A. D. D.? Maybe a little.
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? I wear them both but prefer contacts. I really really really really want Lasiks
14. Middle name? Kay
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Are the kids asleep, did I get enough laundry done, and am I going to loose enough inches and weight this week?
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Diet Dr Pepper, and Diet Dr Pepper
17. Current worry? 6th grade and money
18. Current hate right now? Excuses
19. Favorite place to be? With my kids watching a movie, lounging on the couch
20. How did you ring in the new year? I honestly can't remember and that is even my birthday, must not have been too great
21. Where would you like to go? I want to take the kids to Disneyland but when Ashton is a little older, for now I would love to see the Washington and Oregon coasts again.
22. Name three people who will complete this: Heather, Nichole, and Michelle
23. Do you own slippers? Nope just flip flops
24. What color shirt are you wearing? teal
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Are you on crack?
27. Where are you now? in bed
28. Would you be a pirate? No cuz they don't shower
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Taylor Swift
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Elizabeth, Hazel, Grace
31. Favorite boy's name? Thornton, Riley, Mason, Ashton, should I go on?
32. What is in your pocket right now? No pockets, I'm in bed
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Ashton giving kisses
34. What vehicle do you drive? 98 Olds Silhouette
35. Worst injury you've ever had? C-Section, worst experience of my life to date. Only good thing that came out if it was Ashton
36. Do you love where you live? No, we don't love our neighbors and the City of Rigby has gone to HELL
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Dying eggs
Saturday I told the kids we could dye eggs after I had a nap and Riley got home from a friends house at five. Well he got home early and so my nap ended early.
All I heard was "Is is time to dye eggs," "Riley's home mom, lets dye the eggs," "When are we dying eggs?" "Are you going to get up so we can dye eggs?" "Mom get up so we can dye eggs," "I got the eggs outs, let dye them now" "Can't we dye the eggs?" "What time are we going to dye the eggs?"
And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Well need less to say, I said, "No egg dying."
And ,no I was not worried about the 4 dozen eggs that had been cooked and a lot already eaten or that fact that my children may remember this Easter as the worst Easter ever cuz they didn't get to dye eggs. I didn't care!!!! I just wanted to throw the box, which they had opened to "See what it looked like" inside the box, of PAAS Egg kit away. Nope, I just wanted to have a nice hour or so nap and wake up gracefully and peacefully. But no, I woke up to a battle field of inquiries for egg dying. Never mind that these adventurous children I love and adore have a father, who is watching something "Wonderful" on the Discovery Channel. Of course there must be some sort of label on the stupid PAAS box that mentions that only mothers can dye eggs with their children.
I was not giving in and I held out till about 7pm. And yes I'm the meanest mom in the whole world and I'm good with that. Then the husband, (who has some how managed to get a super power in which I do not possess. Selective hearing), gives in and tells the kids they can dye the damn eggs. I do not want any part in, until I watch him try to mix the dye up. Apparently it's a "Woman's Job" Or I just have some control issues. Whichever, they got to have yet another year of fond Easter memories.
All I heard was "Is is time to dye eggs," "Riley's home mom, lets dye the eggs," "When are we dying eggs?" "Are you going to get up so we can dye eggs?" "Mom get up so we can dye eggs," "I got the eggs outs, let dye them now" "Can't we dye the eggs?" "What time are we going to dye the eggs?"
And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Well need less to say, I said, "No egg dying."
And ,no I was not worried about the 4 dozen eggs that had been cooked and a lot already eaten or that fact that my children may remember this Easter as the worst Easter ever cuz they didn't get to dye eggs. I didn't care!!!! I just wanted to throw the box, which they had opened to "See what it looked like" inside the box, of PAAS Egg kit away. Nope, I just wanted to have a nice hour or so nap and wake up gracefully and peacefully. But no, I woke up to a battle field of inquiries for egg dying. Never mind that these adventurous children I love and adore have a father, who is watching something "Wonderful" on the Discovery Channel. Of course there must be some sort of label on the stupid PAAS box that mentions that only mothers can dye eggs with their children.
I was not giving in and I held out till about 7pm. And yes I'm the meanest mom in the whole world and I'm good with that. Then the husband, (who has some how managed to get a super power in which I do not possess. Selective hearing), gives in and tells the kids they can dye the damn eggs. I do not want any part in, until I watch him try to mix the dye up. Apparently it's a "Woman's Job" Or I just have some control issues. Whichever, they got to have yet another year of fond Easter memories.
Easter Saturday!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's All Gone! And I got my money's worth.
A long time ago, when Riley was about 6, a good friend of mine told me how much she loves Riley's shaggy hair style. It hadn't been something I had done on purpose, I was just too cheep to go get it cut until I was really getting my money's worth. Anyway, I took a good look at him and notice that she was right he was a "hotty" with shaggy hair, and shaggy hair is "way" in. So ever since I try to convince him to grow it out and remind him how much the ladies love long hair on boys. At Christmas time I finally broke down and took them all in to get hair cuts. Some other time I'll share how on that day I took 7 , yes I said 7, children to get hair cuts all at the same time. Another story for another day. Anyway, the gal cutting it and I told him how much girls like long hair and that he should just get a trim, and that her boyfriend has shaggy hair and how much she likes it and so on. He was really hard to convince. So I made a deal with him that if he would leave it long until after Christmas he could cut it anyway he wanted. He bit. Well it is now March. I finally got sick of seeing him wipe it out of his eyes so I took him in to get it cut. He was loving it that long and didn't even want a trim but I told him trims are good. If he would always listen to me this well he would be perfect. Wouldn't Stepford children be just great. But once he sat in the chair he totally changed his mind.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sisters and Cupcakes
Trying the New
Ever since I have become a mom, I have tried to incorporate good food into my children's diet. Because that is what good mom's do. Well I like to try new things every now and again because just because my mom didn't like it or cook it doesn't mean it is bad. So I decided it was time to try the "Brussels Sprout." It was only a couple of years ago that I even knew what they looked like. Chris had said he loved them and they looked pretty at the grocery store so why not?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ashton's Blessing
Saturday, March 14, 2009
We decided to take the kids out to dinner and since they love Chuck-a-rama, there we went. Before we even got out of the driveway, Riley had bit Mason, (apparently he is a rabid dog cuz now Mason has a bruise from hell) Mason was hitting Riley and Lizzie, and TJ was whining and crying like a 2 yr old. Chris and I were hungry and after prolonging the trip with timeouts, we headed to town.
Dinner went great. The kids ate and ate, for the most part they were well behaved and had a good time. After they had all Ice cream, Riley decide to have some more fish, which was fine, but TJ is a little Autistic. Well TJ had eaten a TON of food, it is Chuck-a-rama after all, he had been behaving as "Normal" as TJ is does in public, and then he started to hide under his shirt. We told him to stop but he didn't. After a couple of minutes he said, "I need my space! I need my space!" waving his hands and talking louder than usual. I told him to stop and that he was fine. Then it happened! The unthinkable! The thing parents dread! He PUKED!!! Not a lot but still it was vomit!!! Regurgitated food, however you want to say it, it was PUKE!!! He has done this a lot but it has been two years since we dealt with this quirk in a restaurant.
Chris was mortified, completely embarrassed. I was trying to get him away from the table so more wouldn't come. He tells me that he smelled the fish and it made him sick, he told me he tried to tell me he was sick but I didn't listen. I sent him to the bathroom and we gathered everyone up to leave.
TJ has made a ton of progress!! Despite the embarrassing moment, I was so excited! He verbalized and came up with a solution. I just didn't listen. He warned us he needed his space and I just blew it off as TJ being TJ. Lesson learned: If he tells me he needs his space, I will give it.
Hooray!!!! All the HARD work is paying off. Maybe next time I will read the cues.
Dinner went great. The kids ate and ate, for the most part they were well behaved and had a good time. After they had all Ice cream, Riley decide to have some more fish, which was fine, but TJ is a little Autistic. Well TJ had eaten a TON of food, it is Chuck-a-rama after all, he had been behaving as "Normal" as TJ is does in public, and then he started to hide under his shirt. We told him to stop but he didn't. After a couple of minutes he said, "I need my space! I need my space!" waving his hands and talking louder than usual. I told him to stop and that he was fine. Then it happened! The unthinkable! The thing parents dread! He PUKED!!! Not a lot but still it was vomit!!! Regurgitated food, however you want to say it, it was PUKE!!! He has done this a lot but it has been two years since we dealt with this quirk in a restaurant.
Chris was mortified, completely embarrassed. I was trying to get him away from the table so more wouldn't come. He tells me that he smelled the fish and it made him sick, he told me he tried to tell me he was sick but I didn't listen. I sent him to the bathroom and we gathered everyone up to leave.
TJ has made a ton of progress!! Despite the embarrassing moment, I was so excited! He verbalized and came up with a solution. I just didn't listen. He warned us he needed his space and I just blew it off as TJ being TJ. Lesson learned: If he tells me he needs his space, I will give it.
Hooray!!!! All the HARD work is paying off. Maybe next time I will read the cues.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
On crazy Friday.
The other day, before I left for work, I asked all the boys where they were supposed to go after school. Believe it or not they all had it correct. Well the day went on and I went to work in the afternoon and came home. Lizzie and Mason came home. I hadn't gotten any phone calls about missing children or anything. Mason tells me, "Mom, TJ didn't go to Options." I'm like, "Yes he did. No one called me and he isn't home. You are just trying to get him trouble." Mason does that sometimes, a lot actually. So, them Mason said, "No he didn't, he rode Shay's bus home with me." I still was a little sceptical, but up the drive way TJ comes. His cheeks were red and it looked like he had been walking but I always give my kids the benifit of the doubt. Yeah Right. I had a conversation with him and this is sort of how it went:
Me: So how was your day?
TJ: Good.
Me: How did you get home?
TJ: Oh, Home Again brought me.
Me: Oh, who was the driver?
TJ: I don't know it was a new one.,
Me: Did they tell you their name?
TJ: Yeah but I forgot it.
Me: Did you go to Options today?
TJ: Yeah I did.
By this time I was dialing Options to check his story, Tiffany answered and I asked her if he had been there. She told me No he hadn't. So I precided t0 explain to her that he had rode the bus home and skipped out of going to Options. He can come up with this little (HUGE) skeeming story. I realized after I asked for the second time if he could come on Monday that no one was on the other line. My sweet and innoccont, ciniving, maliputive son had unplugged the phone during my rambling. I was really mad now. No I was freaking Pissed!!!
I sent him screaming to his room and called her back and made the arrangements I needed. Then the work began.
I told him was grounded to his room for Friday night and all day Saturday. That meant No friends, No phone, No TV, No brothers and sister, No coming out except for going to the bathroom and that was only if he asked, begged and pleaded. I went and got ice cream for every one else and we watched "Igor" a movie he has been wanting to see.
Now some of you may think this is very harsh but really I have to get really creative with TJ to make a point. I keep thinking one day it will "Click"
Me: So how was your day?
TJ: Good.
Me: How did you get home?
TJ: Oh, Home Again brought me.
Me: Oh, who was the driver?
TJ: I don't know it was a new one.,
Me: Did they tell you their name?
TJ: Yeah but I forgot it.
Me: Did you go to Options today?
TJ: Yeah I did.
By this time I was dialing Options to check his story, Tiffany answered and I asked her if he had been there. She told me No he hadn't. So I precided t0 explain to her that he had rode the bus home and skipped out of going to Options. He can come up with this little (HUGE) skeeming story. I realized after I asked for the second time if he could come on Monday that no one was on the other line. My sweet and innoccont, ciniving, maliputive son had unplugged the phone during my rambling. I was really mad now. No I was freaking Pissed!!!
I sent him screaming to his room and called her back and made the arrangements I needed. Then the work began.
I told him was grounded to his room for Friday night and all day Saturday. That meant No friends, No phone, No TV, No brothers and sister, No coming out except for going to the bathroom and that was only if he asked, begged and pleaded. I went and got ice cream for every one else and we watched "Igor" a movie he has been wanting to see.
Now some of you may think this is very harsh but really I have to get really creative with TJ to make a point. I keep thinking one day it will "Click"
Monday, March 2, 2009
Theater and "My" Children
Tonight we took the kids to the Jefferson Montessori's production of "Once On This Island." Some friends of ours had three of their six kids in it so we decided to brave the storm and support them. I'm always a little nervous when taking my kids into a public environment, so before we get out of the car always ask them, "How do you behave?" I usually always get the response of "Be Good." and we have to elaborate on what that mean. I explained to the kiddos that this was different than the movies and they could only get out of their seats during intermission. I explained that they would need to use the bathroom before the show started and then they could not go again until intermission. Lizzie gave a very concerned reply "But I will pee my pants." I don't think she realized she wouldn't have to wait for hours until she could go.
They were great!! No one gave me looks of dis test or hushed us cuz they coughed. Maybe my monsters are growing up. It was a wonderful show and it was fun to see so many of the kids we knew in it.
Share you experiences with me, I'd love to hear them.
They were great!! No one gave me looks of dis test or hushed us cuz they coughed. Maybe my monsters are growing up. It was a wonderful show and it was fun to see so many of the kids we knew in it.
Kudos to Jessie, Victoria, Caleb, Jaymon, and Jet. You all did great.
This wonderful little production reminded me how important it is to support school and community theater and music. It is also a great place to teach kids the appropriate behaviors while attending a concert or production in a theater. Give it a try, spring musicals and concerts are coming up. Check with your local high school they would love the added support.
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Got your attention with that picture, didn't I? :)
The first FIVE people to respond to this post will get something made by me!
My choice, for you.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.
Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and offer to do the same for the first 5 people who respond to the post.
Sounds like fun, right?
So let's play!
Sounds like fun, right?
So let's play!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Children and Sports.
Basketball is finally over. I was a stupid idiot and volunteered to coach TJ's team this year. It was the first time for him to play basketball and since most of the kids had had at least a year or two, some even 3, behind them, I decided it wouldn't be fair to ask "some guy" to teach my crazy kid how to play. Hence I was the coach. Now I didn't play school basketball but both of my sisters did so I know the game. I would say I know enough to be dangerous, in the stand. So basically in a recap of this season, I was lucky enough to have dad willing to do all the hard work. Wade coached the boys and taught them all they needed to know to be successful and I organized them by scheduling practices and so on. He is an amazing guy!! I don't know of any coach in the history of my playing that was so positive. I NEVER heard him say a negative thing to the boys. Even when he had to redirect TJ, ALOT, I never heard him grumble under his breath or make rude faces. He was amazing. Now TJ may never be able to play in the NBA but thanks to Wade he and the other team mates have a good understanding of the game.
Now most of you know that Riley is a athletic superstar in most all he does. And it is so fun to watch him cuz he has such good heart and is really good. I have always tried to be objective when it comes to my kids but frankly I'm tired of it. He is really good. He was able to practice and play with TJ's fifth grade team. He kept up with all those boys. So Saturday morning he played with the fifth graders and they play full court on a 10 ft basket and then later in the afternoon he played with his own 3rd grade team. It just amazes me how much development happens between 3rd and 5th grade. Third graders are all about themselves, how many baskets "they" can make, they very rarely pass to each other and then you have the refs, and that is a whole different story. These boys were totally wrestling on the floor for the ball. Sort of like football. Nichole was the coach and she too was great with the boys. They had 11 kids on their team and that makes teaching them really hard. But her and Kirk did great. So the season is over and next we have Baseball. Riley and Mason are the only ones that play so it makes for an exciting June. Riley will play in a more competitive league this year and it will be fun to see if the drive is there for him to succeed. Mason will be in T-Ball again in and is excited as long as Brooklyn will play with him.
Now most of you know that Riley is a athletic superstar in most all he does. And it is so fun to watch him cuz he has such good heart and is really good. I have always tried to be objective when it comes to my kids but frankly I'm tired of it. He is really good. He was able to practice and play with TJ's fifth grade team. He kept up with all those boys. So Saturday morning he played with the fifth graders and they play full court on a 10 ft basket and then later in the afternoon he played with his own 3rd grade team. It just amazes me how much development happens between 3rd and 5th grade. Third graders are all about themselves, how many baskets "they" can make, they very rarely pass to each other and then you have the refs, and that is a whole different story. These boys were totally wrestling on the floor for the ball. Sort of like football. Nichole was the coach and she too was great with the boys. They had 11 kids on their team and that makes teaching them really hard. But her and Kirk did great. So the season is over and next we have Baseball. Riley and Mason are the only ones that play so it makes for an exciting June. Riley will play in a more competitive league this year and it will be fun to see if the drive is there for him to succeed. Mason will be in T-Ball again in and is excited as long as Brooklyn will play with him.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
It just makes Scents!!!!!

I sold my soul!!!
When my mom called me on Friday and asked if Lizzie would want to go to a cheer camp at Ririe, my first reaction was absolutely NOT. But when she expressed she would be gone for the whole day I said "YEAH". Even though it went against everything I stand for, I couldn't resist a whole day without 15 million questions. I love and adore my girl, but sometimes a break from the talking, there is just so much talking, is healthy. She had a blast and has not stopped talking about the whole experience, again with the talking. I'm so glad she went. Chris and I took all the kids to the game to watch her dance during Half-Time. I would tell you how brutal that was but I'm trying to be positive. It truly was exciting to see her dance. She is so cute. You can also see Brooklyn in the background. She is a natural. Enjoy.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Big 8
My first time being tagged. AhAh Here are the Rules:1) Post rules on your blog2) Answer the six '8' items3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment...PS these are not in order.
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Secret Life of an American Teenager
4. Lost
5. Desperate Housewives
6. Unwrapped
7. Heros
8. Men in Trees
1. Took Ashton to the Doctor
2. Cleaned my house
3. Laundry
4. Dishes
5. Worked on my taxes
6.Took a freakin' nap
7. Took a Snow Day
8. Took care of my sick guy, all day.
1. Chris being home
2. Ashton getting off the oxygen
3. Selling Urban Botanics
4. My new kitchen
5. Lizzie in kindergarten
6. Twilight on DVD
7. A Break
8. Cheesecake
1. Stockman's
2. The Sandpiper
3. Papa Kelsey's
4. North Hy-way Cafe
5. Taco Time
6. Cold Stone
7. Gandolfo's
8. Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe
1. An organized house
2. A new kitchen
3. cheesecake
4. Twilight on DVD
5. Peace and quiet
6. My living room finished
7. Time to quilt
8. New jeans
1. Heather
2. Jodi
3. Kimber
4. Natasha
5. Brittany
6. Amy G.
7. Amy H.
8. Colleen
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. Secret Life of an American Teenager
4. Lost
5. Desperate Housewives
6. Unwrapped
7. Heros
8. Men in Trees
1. Took Ashton to the Doctor
2. Cleaned my house
3. Laundry
4. Dishes
5. Worked on my taxes
6.Took a freakin' nap
7. Took a Snow Day
8. Took care of my sick guy, all day.
1. Chris being home
2. Ashton getting off the oxygen
3. Selling Urban Botanics
4. My new kitchen
5. Lizzie in kindergarten
6. Twilight on DVD
7. A Break
8. Cheesecake
1. Stockman's
2. The Sandpiper
3. Papa Kelsey's
4. North Hy-way Cafe
5. Taco Time
6. Cold Stone
7. Gandolfo's
8. Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe
1. An organized house
2. A new kitchen
3. cheesecake
4. Twilight on DVD
5. Peace and quiet
6. My living room finished
7. Time to quilt
8. New jeans
1. Heather
2. Jodi
3. Kimber
4. Natasha
5. Brittany
6. Amy G.
7. Amy H.
8. Colleen
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm Back
It's back!!! Finally after what seemed like a life time, my computer is fixed. I can't wait to catch up on everything.
Just so you know Ashton is really sick. He got RSV and has been on breathing treatments for 10 days and oxygen for a week. Today after having a chest x-ray, we determined he has pneumonia and is really dehydrated so they put him on IV fluids for 24 hrs. Hopefully all this will help him get back to normal. Please keep him in your prayers. It has been really hard to see him so sick. Chris had to go back on the road Friday and with luck will be home Thursday. I'm so glad he will be giving up truck driving and going to work for Norco Medical. It is really hard to balance 5 kids alone. Thank heavens for my mom and dad, they have been life savers. I also couldn't do it without Chris's mom. She brought dinner tonight for my starving army. Its starting to get to me, having a sick baby and having to leave him to go to work or deal with the others. Hopefully we will be out of the woods soon.
Just so you know Ashton is really sick. He got RSV and has been on breathing treatments for 10 days and oxygen for a week. Today after having a chest x-ray, we determined he has pneumonia and is really dehydrated so they put him on IV fluids for 24 hrs. Hopefully all this will help him get back to normal. Please keep him in your prayers. It has been really hard to see him so sick. Chris had to go back on the road Friday and with luck will be home Thursday. I'm so glad he will be giving up truck driving and going to work for Norco Medical. It is really hard to balance 5 kids alone. Thank heavens for my mom and dad, they have been life savers. I also couldn't do it without Chris's mom. She brought dinner tonight for my starving army. Its starting to get to me, having a sick baby and having to leave him to go to work or deal with the others. Hopefully we will be out of the woods soon.
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